shining rock the real story

Dedicated to revealing the facts you won't hear from the sales pitches of Pulte or Shining Rock Development

Friday, April 13, 2012

So, to use a quote from Fall River's own Emeril, the traffic on the old blog has been "kicked up a notch." From an arm's length source, there's some rumblings from the neighborhood. From what the bloggin' brutha hears, there's engineers, builder reps and even an attorney or two involved. Maybe the increased traffic is to gather intel on the history. Maybe the attorneys for one side or the other have interest. If that's the case, and you want more, drop the brutha a post.

If I were one of the folks responsible for that hot mess up there, I'd be looking to move on. Then again, who'd consider buying into what the flower police have built? The cast of Jersey Shore is less disfunctional.

How does that saying go - something about the sins of the fathers being visited upon the children..........?

From the Chinese comes a very old saying - "May you live in interesting times."

And, don't forget, " shall reap what ye sow..."

Just can't wait to watch this unfold.

BB out!

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Lignt - a wonderful cleanser

Musings on light - it:

  • exposes things that may wish not to be seen

  • brings things out of the shadows

  • cleanses as it kills the things that don't like it

  • illuminates what it touches, bringing attention to that which once was hidden

Light - a wonderful thing - unless you wanna keep things under wraps.

go towards the light!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

On leadership

Okay, so here's a few questions to ponder about leadership.
Should a leader:

  • work to legislate rules & regs that satisfy their own agenda first, even if the outcome isn't in the best interest of most?

  • be a source of gossip that divides the community?

  • pick vendors based on how much she gets in freebies?

  • use verbal abuse to quiet critics or silence anyone who doesn't agree with her?

  • use emotion to make decisions when facts support an alternate direction?

  • be quite comfortable legislating discrimination?

  • be able to shelter funds from the constituents?

Just some questions.

BB out

Friday, January 14, 2011

After some much needed time away, took another drive thru Shining Rock before, during & after the snow storms. Very surprised to see how many of the condo residents were shoveling snow - driveways, walkways, sidewalks...........isn't this why you folks bought condos? You gonna cut your grass too?

Anyway, while fishing thru the county site to look at prices (checkin' the investments), found some interesting tidbits about Ridgeway & Shining Rock. As confirmed by a resident, it seems that SRD condo values have fallen in the 20% range this year. While it's certain that some of this impact is from the overall economy, it can't help that buyers can get into a brand new unit for about the same price as for the existing ones, that are 5-6 years old, have delaminating shingles, deteriorating driveways, cracked sidewals, less curb appeal, much higher fees and a requirement to shovel your own driveway.

And, just in time to help those falling values - Pulte gets permission to add 16 more units! Gotta luv it.....unless you live there.

For those who are comparing, here's a site to visit:

From my shoppin', looks like competition has pricing falling like a (shining) rock!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Go Chuck!

Hey, Charles A. McCauley, the same dude who blasted little old ladies for "...speaking for the neighborhood in an unelected capacity...", to the point of destroying reputations, chose to speak for the 'hood to a newspaper.......................WTF, Chuck? The bloggin' brutha ain't kept that close an eye, but you been elected up there recently?

So, when you do what you tell others not to do, what does that say about you? If it's within your values system to publicly humiliate someone you perceive to be weaker than you, then do exactly the same thing you humiliated them for, what does that say about you?

Some define Integrity as doing the right thing, even when no one is looking. The bloggin' brutha is lookin...........................

Thursday, October 14, 2010

da Bears be awake!!

Thanks to my tweetin' homies for some timely updates..................

seems the old Shining Rock peeps found another cause celebre' - something to rally around for as long as their attention spans' ve heard it before - the sleeping bear rises from its den, prodded by some irritant, stirs from sleep to full on rage, blasts a few innocents, eats the weak while blasting the strong from afar, then, groggy from an unaccustomed burst of activity, lumbers back to its den, falling back into fitful sleep, awaiting the next opportunity to rise, go to full rage, etc., etc.

What peeved the bears this time? Can you say "whooooooooooooosh...?" And, just how the H can ya say ya didn't know about this deal? Hurts a bloggon' brutha's feelins that you ain't a-readin the prose....I feel downright unappreciated...............

Here's a puzzler - maybe someone can help a bloggin' brutha with this.....

If you disagree with Da Bears by saying something shouldn't be built, you're a NIMBY...

If you disagree with Da Bears by saying something should be built, you're a NIMBY.....

If NIMBY means NOT in my backyard, how can it apply if you support building it?

Does NIMBY, like beauty only exist in the eye of the beholder?

Ask Da Bears - while they're awake.........

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The newest edition to the neighborhood

yo, wassup?! Didja hear about the newest plans for the old neighborhood? Think lookin' at a water tank is attractive? 2 words............

*************wind turbine**************

yup - the latest & greatest - from a gated community on an LPGA event course with a gazebo, swimming pool,concierge service & limos to the bosox to an ugly street with no trees, dead grass, lotsa construction issues, a water tower & a wind turbine. From curb appeal to curb repel! And all for just $250 a month!

good luck to you cats livin' up there on the hill!