shining rock the real story

Dedicated to revealing the facts you won't hear from the sales pitches of Pulte or Shining Rock Development

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

For the committees in the hood who.......

say that puttin' up Old Glory should be restricted to prevent it looking like "...the United Nations...", and for using this as the premise for discriminating against those who wish to fly the flag for which our fathers fought,

Thank God for those whose blood was shed to keep this nation free & protect your views and your right to attempt to impose them on others. Patriotism can't be repressed, doesn't bend to your will, can't be swept away and, for true believers is part of the fabric of our being.

Suppress it? Forget it!

Monday, June 21, 2010


called the good folks @ pulte re: ridgeway. found out that the northbridge sales office won't open until the end of the summer. asked about whether ridgeway is tied to fairways, about the models planned and if it's separate from fairways. as always, the information was interesting...

- the time for opening the sales office is uncertain
- no information available on fairways, as it is archived. the pulte rep didn't have any info relating fairways to pulte - in fact, he told me the other homes in the hood were built by another developer
- no info on models, only that they are 1830 to 2300 sq ft
- yes, ridgeway is a standalone hoa

just love the look of the trailer though. last time i went through the hood, there was a toilet laying underneath it. precious, just precious!