shining rock the real story

Dedicated to revealing the facts you won't hear from the sales pitches of Pulte or Shining Rock Development

Sunday, July 18, 2010

adios, lanscaping!!

the bloggin' brotha made another drive thru the old hood a couple of days ago - not sure what they've done to the landscaping but it doesn't appear to be watering! hey, did those prescient engineers who laid out all the best ways to plant trees find some new way to get prettier, healthier grass by holding up the watering? how can you look at the burnt, brown hill next to a verdant (yeh, look that one up) tee and fairway and think it looks okay? maybe the ol' snow plowing budget ate up the dinero & they can't afford to water? are folks waterin' their own? maybe payin' for repairs for a select few ate up the dues? as they say, i'm all set with that!


Wednesday, July 07, 2010

adios, toilet!

Hot one in the former hood today! This bloggin' brotha discovered a surprise in a drive thru. Seems that Pulte covered up the toilet under the comin' sales the portable septic tank, though. Nice to know that there's some way to catch the s*** that will be comin' out of that office!

Props to Pulte for masking the poop!

peace out.......

Sunday, July 04, 2010

The Ol' Double Standard

so, let me get this straight - the sleeping bears in the hood get all up in a brother's grill over pointin' out known problems in the buildings (i.e. lack of ice shields, missing insulation, etc.) - known as in it's, like Public Knowledge - hello! - then they start talkin' about lawyerin' up over air conditioning. and a bloggin' brotha is the bad guy? puleease!

as my homies in the hood tell it, seems those whose daily comfort (apparently, they don't leave the house) is affected tried to get the hoa to take on pulte - guess the "leaders" finally gave up representin' their peeps' individual interests - maybe they're workin' on the grass, which looks like h*** (hey, it's a family blog), or some new rules. After all, grass, snow and rules is pretty much all the hood gets for a cool $3K a year! sounds like there should be some scratch left over for the peeps' attorney bills - fer sure, you can always count on their actin' the same in the future as they have in the past - call that one human nature................