shining rock the real story

Dedicated to revealing the facts you won't hear from the sales pitches of Pulte or Shining Rock Development

Friday, June 24, 2005

Pulte's customer service examples

Since each individual tends to have her own view of what constitutes "great" customer service, here are some live examples from actual experience with Pulte Homes of New England, LLC from the customer's point of view.
Situation: water valve leaking in the basement of a unit. Homeowner calls Customer Service hotline per instructions. Call is on a weekend, and the answering service employee indicates that calls of this nature are considered an emergency, and that a Pulte rep will be paged immediately.

Reaction: based on a conversation led by the homeowner several days into the next week, the Pulte rep indicated he never received the call, let alone an emergency page.

Situation: as part of the punch list, several nail (actually, screw) pops are to be repaired. The homeowner verified that the Pulte Homes of New England, LLC Customer Service rep had the item on the punch list. Completed efficiently, the work should have been completed in 2 trips, max.

Reaction: follow up by the Pulte Homes of New England, LLC rep was absent to inconsistent. All in all, it took about 16 trips to the home over several months to complete the job. Obstacles included inviting the wrong vendor, vendors' not having their tools when they showed up, vendors' having to leave to do other, more important work and what the homeowners perceive as a lack of holding vendors accountable.

Situation: Contractors working at 7am on Sunday mornings. According to the plans filed in the Registry of Deeds, and we're told, from town ordinance of Northbridge, MA, work of this type is prohibeted on Sundays.

Reaction: The Sales Manager for the site told a homeowner that the contractors are probably behind due to recent rains. No, they should not be working, but one or two may slip in from time to time. There's no way to monitor, because no one from Pulte Homes of New England, LLC is going to come up there on the weekends to check the site. Besides, they may be behind.

Situation: A sprinkler system is part of the development. It is being installed by Pulte Homes of New England, LLC. The project has been going on for about 8 weeks. Over the weeeks, we've had various ditches, holes, things sticking up out of the ground, wires strung about, sinkholes, etc. The project just never seems to come to a close, so we asked the Pulte Homes of New England, LLC rep when it would be completed.

Reaction: Well, they don't know who actually is doing the work, because it may be a sub of a sub of a sub(whatever that means), so they don't know who to call. No one seems to be able to answer the basic questions - what's going on with installation & whan will it be finished?

Situation: As a result of not having the sprinklers on one side of the street (the side with the models was installed first - go figure), Pulte Homes of New England, LLC said they are going to water the dry side by hand and pay for the water.

Reaction: Pulte Homes of New England, LLC watered the dry yards once that can be verified, then left the grass to the mercy of summer weather.

The lessons here? The simplest of things is doing what you say you are going to do and taking responsibility when something goes awry.

You be the judge as to where Pulte Homes of New England, LLC falls out here with these examples.


  • At 6:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey, if these are real, Pulte seems to really stink it up in the customer service department. I've looked at some of the units that areb't built yet - they're in the $400K range. Is this all the service you get for this much $$?


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