shining rock the real story

Dedicated to revealing the facts you won't hear from the sales pitches of Pulte or Shining Rock Development

Monday, June 13, 2005

Pulte Homes of New England, LLC the grass killers

Well, it's been about 6 weeks since the whole sprinkler system began installation. It started with heavy equipment tearing up the lawns and breaking the driveways, then moved on to uncovered holes left in the ground for a couple of weeks. Now, the holes are covered, but the contractor discovered that one of the driveways had to be excavated in order to re-lay a section of pipe.

It turns out the original chase wasn't as thick as called for in the specs. As a result, the traffic on the driveway (e.g. front end loader used to clear snow in the 15' driveways) exceeded the stress limits of the infrastructure. In other words, the pipe was crushed. So... the cure is digging up a 3' wide section of driveway, laying the correct pipe (can you say inefficiencies of re-work?), and running whatever lines need to be pushed through it.

It's been a week since whatever lines were run. Not sure what's going on now and neither is our Pulte rep. Just to remind you, the site supervisor already has said that they have trouble getting the contractors back in to finish their work, and that they really don't know who is responsible for the sprinkler system.

At any rate, the grass guys showed up just before it got really hot to hydroseed the yards. We're trying to figure out just how long the seed can survive without water, as the sprinkler system isn't working on one side of the street. I think the stuff is already dead.

Another Pulte Homes of New England, LLC boondoggle, brought to you in conjunction with Shining Rock Development, LLC.


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