shining rock the real story

Dedicated to revealing the facts you won't hear from the sales pitches of Pulte or Shining Rock Development

Saturday, May 22, 2010

when is a decision a decision?

well...........lookin' at planning board minutes, something interesting occurs. mi homies from pulte get approval to build out sandtrap ct, announce a new and separate hoa and, God forgive them plan to plant...hold on to your children..........street trees!

yes, their plan includes the same kind of trees in the same kind of placement as linkside. let me describe, from tunison & smith the kind of devastation were talkin about here...

- street trees absolutely cannot, cannot, cannot be planted in grass strips less than 5' wide!
- street trees will kill other trees within 20' of their trunk
- street trees will obliterate concrete sidewalks
- street trees will destroy driveways within 7'
- street trees cause global warming (okay, the engineers didn't say that)

despite looking around to see that trees are planted just like this all over the place, including very old trees right next to stone fences, buildings, driveways and sidewalks, one street in the development won't get them. Thank God the residents of clubhouse lane are spared the kind of devastation that surely will occur on linkside, on sandtrap and on thousands of other streets in New England. best yet, I don't know how God plans to prevent deforestation, since Garrett Tunison says trees must, must, must be 20' apart to survive. hhhmmmm.....doesn't seem to make a diffeence in forests.......... well, we gotta trust engineers, right?

at any rate, from looking at the attendance at the PB meeting, it looks to me like the very same tight little group who saved clubhouse lane from sure tree-caused devastation sat on their hands when Pulte announce plans to plant trees exactly as they opposed on clubhouse lane.

I don't get it. how does a leader justify making the same decision 2 ways? are the physics of plant science different on clubhouse lane?

maybe someone out there can make sense of this - any takers?

Friday, May 21, 2010

Pulte renames the hood

call it the gift that just keeps on giving. looks like the lords of Pulte, ever looking out for the interests of homeowners everywhere, have decided to rename their last (or is it?) phase of fairways @ shining rock. it's called ridgeway. I think it's great.

this lets them get maximum output from the land while separating themselves from the sordid history of the project. creating a new hoa means they don't have to pay fees to the existing one, don't have to fuss with rules/regs or nosy trustees, save time, save $$ and, best of all don't have to worry about all those troublesome folk who might be interested in just what theyre selling now (tennis courts, pool, anyone?)

on the question of whether or not pulte has the legal right to just carve out a separate hoa - who knows? course, with constant rewriting of the docs without regard to minor inconveniences like state or federal law, what does it really matter?

stay tuned - it's back on the roller coaster!

Sunday, May 09, 2010

All's quiet

Well, it's pretty quiet on the Fairways front. The usual gaggle of spear chunkers hurled around some nasty stuff, puffed out their chests (only electronically, of course - the really nasty comments come from the ones least capable of growing some cajones and having a face to face conversation). The mob has risen, defended their backwater, small minded little world, then moved on, likely to find some other cause celebre', some other poor schmuck on whom to blame their poor decisions and problems. After all, when you're as sophisticated as these folk, no mistakes could come from them!

Like a hungry bear with a nasty disposition, the beast has arisen, fed itself at the expense of some other life form and gone on it's selfish way, soon to rise again with a nasty disposition, feed itself on some other life form, etc., etc. No real contribution to anything other than destroying something in its path, pooping and warming its den.

What amazes is the total lack of civility. It isn't about discourse - it's about hate. That's what you get here, unless of course you naturally fit or swallow and take it.

As Johnny Storm said - Flame On!!

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Do you know what you think you know?

The brothas & sistas who hook a blogger up say there's lots of chatter out there, and that the haters are focused - spears at the ready - gotta get 'em!

An opinion:

The haters are focused on the wrong thing. Sophisticated adults own their actions, their words and their history. Unsophisticated adults, like 2 year olds, sometimes wish to blame others for their lot in life. Sure, it's unfomcortable to have life's foibles pointed out, but they happen.

When you take responsibility for your own life, tolerance is much easier to accept. When tolerance is a part of your life, diversity is much easier to appreciate.

We are not all alike. We never will be. Diversity in backgrounds, views, lifestyles...these all are good things that make for a more vibrant, dynamic community.

I've never understood why a differing opinion results in such vile, hateful rhetoric.

2 year olds think it's all about them. Their world revolves around them. This changes when we become adults - at least it should.