shining rock the real story

Dedicated to revealing the facts you won't hear from the sales pitches of Pulte or Shining Rock Development

Sunday, May 09, 2010

All's quiet

Well, it's pretty quiet on the Fairways front. The usual gaggle of spear chunkers hurled around some nasty stuff, puffed out their chests (only electronically, of course - the really nasty comments come from the ones least capable of growing some cajones and having a face to face conversation). The mob has risen, defended their backwater, small minded little world, then moved on, likely to find some other cause celebre', some other poor schmuck on whom to blame their poor decisions and problems. After all, when you're as sophisticated as these folk, no mistakes could come from them!

Like a hungry bear with a nasty disposition, the beast has arisen, fed itself at the expense of some other life form and gone on it's selfish way, soon to rise again with a nasty disposition, feed itself on some other life form, etc., etc. No real contribution to anything other than destroying something in its path, pooping and warming its den.

What amazes is the total lack of civility. It isn't about discourse - it's about hate. That's what you get here, unless of course you naturally fit or swallow and take it.

As Johnny Storm said - Flame On!!


  • At 7:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The golf course is great! The staff has been very friendly, and the customer service is second to none! I'll be coming back again and again all summer long!

  • At 7:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    great - for visitors. at least the golf course team understands their consituents and executes consistently. everyone knows what to expect.

    you gettin' this oh fearless leaders? is it about who you know?


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