shining rock the real story

Dedicated to revealing the facts you won't hear from the sales pitches of Pulte or Shining Rock Development

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Do you know what you think you know?

The brothas & sistas who hook a blogger up say there's lots of chatter out there, and that the haters are focused - spears at the ready - gotta get 'em!

An opinion:

The haters are focused on the wrong thing. Sophisticated adults own their actions, their words and their history. Unsophisticated adults, like 2 year olds, sometimes wish to blame others for their lot in life. Sure, it's unfomcortable to have life's foibles pointed out, but they happen.

When you take responsibility for your own life, tolerance is much easier to accept. When tolerance is a part of your life, diversity is much easier to appreciate.

We are not all alike. We never will be. Diversity in backgrounds, views, lifestyles...these all are good things that make for a more vibrant, dynamic community.

I've never understood why a differing opinion results in such vile, hateful rhetoric.

2 year olds think it's all about them. Their world revolves around them. This changes when we become adults - at least it should.


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