shining rock the real story

Dedicated to revealing the facts you won't hear from the sales pitches of Pulte or Shining Rock Development

Monday, July 04, 2005

Another day of blocked streets

Today's posting was sent to me by one of the residents. As we've reported several times, the contractors and representatives working for Pulte Homes of New England, LLC and Shining Rock Development, LLC
seem not to give a damn about whether residents can actually use the streets. The most recent picture on this site is dated June 28th. Just when we thought we might actually go a day without sitting behind trucks, half naked workers and trailers of construction materials, the good folks in whose work site we happen to live exhibited the kind of consistency that would make a mom proud. This time, though, the experience is enhanced by the kind, caring touch of a Pulte Homes of New England, LLC construction manager. Just wait to you read this......
The message:
June 29th: a box shaped cargo truck on one side, a flat bed on the other, leaving barely enough room to get through (and not enough room to safely see around a curve). Bad enough - then add in a tanker truck delivering diesel fuel. The tanker truck stops in the middle of the street, just past the spot where the two other truck are parked on either side. The result? If I had been able to squeeze my car between the trucks, I couldn't have gotten past the tanker. Frustrated, I turned around and went back home. (By the way, several workers walked right by my car and made eye contact as I sat in disbelief. Not a single one made any attempt to help or make my plight known to the owners of the vehicles.)

As I walked back to the blockade, I decided to find a Pulte Homes of New England, LLC construction manager in the hopes of making him aware. Ted, or Todd (not sure), when asked how the hell I was supposed to get out, responded, "....where do you want to go?" I shook my head in disbelief, then asked what that had to do with anything. Ted or Todd then looked at the space (the tanker truck was now gone) and said, "...looks like you can get through now..."

Underwhelmed by Todd or Ted's response, I thanked him for his consideration of the residents' lives and walked away. I just couldn't believe that he totally dismissed my concern. It was obvious that he just didn't care that I couldn't get to an appointment because of Pulte's failure to manage their vendors.
My takeaway - Pulte Homes of New England, LLC. Shining Rock Development, LLC and all the contractors clearly think of The Fairways at Shining Rock simply as a place where they work and litter. The residents are like the building inspectors, municipal departments or government agencies who simply annoy them with our presence and desire for accountability. Shame on us for not just understanding that it's their land and they'll do anything they want with it.

Good thing we only have 2 more years of this


  • At 3:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nice site this is fun

  • At 11:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    nobody likes me, everybody hates me, im gonna eat a worm


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