shining rock the real story

Dedicated to revealing the facts you won't hear from the sales pitches of Pulte or Shining Rock Development

Sunday, September 27, 2009

What's up with the engineer's inspections?

Curious to know what's happening with the engineer's inspections. The firm sent out by our insurance carrier issued a report saying there were lots of deficiencies in construction, some of which didn't meet building code. Then, it seems that the engineer recanted his findings after Pulte talked to him. Now, several guys have been on some of the roofs to inspect them.

Where does this leave us? Are the buildings okay? If this was the case, why did our Advisors, property manager and insurance carrier support bringing in an engineer (the property manager said the Board wasn't aware of the inspections). Do they know something we don"t? Is our insurance in jeopardy of tripling in cost or being cancelled? Why would the Advisors recommend and support going behind the Board's back? Did anyone check the credentials of this guy who recanted his own report?

This decision, coupled with the report, however accurate, could be much more harm than good for the residents.


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