shining rock the real story

Dedicated to revealing the facts you won't hear from the sales pitches of Pulte or Shining Rock Development

Sunday, October 04, 2009

guess there may be problems with the roofs after all. Pulte doesn't spend money on anything at all unless it's in their best interest. My experience with them has been the first response is picked from a menu of several:

- it's out of warranty
- we don't cover that
- call _________(HOA, property manager, different department, etc.)
- the resident damaged it, so it's not our responsibility
- just refusing to respond

The info:

As a result of the insurance inspection report, Pulte Homes of New England, LLC will begin inspecting all 68 roofs at The Fairways "on or before October 15th". Mr. David Schreyack, Pulte Customer Relations, has stated that all necessary repairs "will be completed not later than November 15, 2009". Inclement weather could cause these projected dates to shift.
This means that there will be men going up and down ladders in front of your bedroom (and other) windows. Recommend that you take steps to protect your privacy for the duration of the work period. Judi Uthoff, Advisor to The Fairways Board of Trustees


  • At 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I made inquiries and learned that the faulty roof was fixed.

  • At 6:19 PM, Blogger SR Fan Club President said…

    any facts to back this up, or is it more unsubstantiated blather?


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